Our Staff

(Email, Cell Phone, and Resumes)

Professional Staff

(See resumes below List of Staff)

Curt J. McLeod, P.E. Senior Principal Engineer πŸ“± (503) 475-0431

Edward P. Hodges, P.E. Principal Engineer πŸ“± (503) 869-7849

Ralph E. Funk, P.E. Project Manager πŸ“± (360) 910-8257

Amy E. Levenhagen, P.E. Project Engineer πŸ“± (503) 927-5649

Jeremy Thomas Project Engineer πŸ“± (541) 306-1158

Sky Mason Engineer-in-Training πŸ“±(503) 800-8465

Bethlehem Daniel Engineer-in-Training (503) 807-3669

Support Staff

Sandi Adams Office Manager

Jan Hurtig Graphics Technician

Trinity Adams Administrative Assistant

Curt J. McLeod, P.E.

Senior Principal Engineer

Mr. McLeod is a Senior Principal Engineer with CURRAN-McLEOD, INC. and is responsible for coordination and preparation of all designs and construction management efforts. He has extensive experience in all phases of Water and Wastewater System Development, Transportation Systems, Storm Drainage management and Municipal Services.

Mr. McLeod has been in responsible charge of design, construction and administration of municipal improvements since 1978. His projects vary from providing engineering advice as City Engineer to design and construction engineering for infrastructure development.

Mr. McLeod has been in direct charge of numerous water system improvements including master planning, conservation planning, design and construction administration. He has developed treatment programs to satisfy the Safe Drinking Water Act, Surface Water Treatment Rule, Lead and Copper Rule requirements as well as storage and distribution system demands on systems varying from 50 gpm to 12.0 MGD.

Mr. McLeod has been in responsible charge of numerous major sanitary sewerage projects including master planning, collection system improvements, pumping and design and construction of treatment facilities. Sludge disposal experience includes thickening and dewatering projects as well as lime stabilization design and construction in compliance with federal regulations found in 40 CFR 503. He has been involved with several effluent reuse projects including zero discharge and agronomic irrigation applications with fixed systems, wheel lines and irrigation circles. Wastewater System project sizes have varied from as small as 20,000 gpd to 9.3 MGD.

Since formation of CURRAN-McLEOD, INC., Mr. McLeod has been closely involved in the day to day operation of numerous Municipalities and Utility Districts. He continues to provide development review, assistance in formation of Special Financing Districts, System Development Charge methodologies, asset inventories, and assistance in coordination of funding programs.

EDUCATION: BSCE, 1978, Oregon State University

REGISTRATION: Professional Engineer, Oregon #11529 / Washington #20580 / California #33324

AFFILIATIONS: American Society of Civil Engineers, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation, Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Assoc., American Consulting Engineers Council, Consulting Engineers Council of Oregon

Email: cjm@curran-mcleod.com

Cell: (503) 475-0431

Edward P. Hodges, P.E.

Principal Engineer

Mr. Hodges is a registered professional engineer with over 20 years of municipal engineering experience. He has designed and managed a variety of municipal engineering projects, including drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater improvements projects. His primary area of specialty expertise is the design and construction of water treatment facilities. Mr. Hodges has extensive experience obtaining infrastructure funding for municipalities. He has worked with a variety of funding agencies in Oregon and Washington including but not limited to Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds, USEPA, Rural Development/Utilities, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and Washington State Centennial, State Revolving and Public Works Board Funds. Mr. Hodges has worked on numerous water and wastewater system planning and design reports. The master plan and engineering report tasks have included system modeling, evaluation of existing facilities, recommendation of system upgrades, and evaluation of the financial viability of the water and wastewater systems as well as the impact of water/wastewater regulatory climate. His drinking water system infrastructure design and construction experience includes the design of raw water intakes and wells, water treatment plants, water distribution and transmission lines, booster pump stations and steel and concrete reservoirs. Mr. Hodges also has significant experience with the design and construction of conventional and microfiltration water treatment plants and their required controls. Sanitary sewer system infrastructure design and construction experience includes numerous gravity sewers, sewage lift stations, force mains and small scale wastewater treatment projects. Mr. Hodges has also designed stormwater conveyance and treatment structures, including large volume underground detention systems for several municipalities.

EDUCATION: B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Vermont, 1997; B.A. Chemistry, University of Vermont, 1988

REGISTRATION: Professional Engineer, Oregon #73539 / Washington #74604

AFFILIATIONS: American Water Works Association, American Society of Civil Engineers

Email: eph@curran-mcleod.com

Cell: (503) 869-7849

Ralph E. Funk

Project Manager / Systems Designer

Mr. Funk is the Systems Designer at CURRAN-McLEOD, INC. and is responsible for detailed project design including civil, mechanical electrical and instrumentation. Since 1975, Mr. Funk has spent the majority of his time on mechanical and electrical design for production of water and wastewater treatment equipment. He has directed the design, quality control and installation of over one hundred water and wastewater systems throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Central America and Hong Kong. He also has extensive experience training treatment system operators and troubleshooting operating systems. Mr. Funk is in responsible charge of the design and construction administration of all electrical and instrumentation projects for advanced water and wastewater pumping stations and treatment facilities. His experience allows him to design and troubleshoot electromechanical or PLC-based systems, including telemetry and SCADA systems. Mr. Funk spent four years with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in the Water Quality Division as the Municipal Permits Coordinator for the Municipal Wastewater Section. His experience provides special expertise in the evaluation and review of NPDES and WPCF waste discharge permits, for new and existing municipal discharge, and advising clients of revisions to state and federal regulations. Mr. Funk has completed comprehensive master planning documents for water, storm and wastewater systems, including computer simulation and evaluation. Mr. Funk offers diverse and extensive experience in all aspects of municipal utility services. His understanding of mechanical and electrical systems, coupled with his regulatory experience and familiarity with the industry is a valuable asset to our clients.

EDUCATION: BS, 1975, Environmental Science, Washington State University

AFFILIATIONS: Water Environment Federation, Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association

Email: ref@curran-mcleod.com

Cell: (360) 910-8257

Jeremy S. Thomas

Engineering Intern

Mr. Thomas is a project engineer with three years of municipal engineering experience. He has been responsible for design, project management, and administrative duties for various municipal and private communities. His primary area of expertise is in transportation engineering and roadway design. Mr. Thomas has extensive experience with obtaining grants and funding for various municipalities. Such funding agencies include the Safe Drinking Water Loan Fund (SDWLF), Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRL), Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and ODOT Small City Allotment (SCA). Mr. Thomas’ engineering experience includes obtaining of permits, the use of software such as CAD & HEC-HMS to aid design, and project management for numerous municipality-based construction projects. His roadway infrastructure design and construction experience include ADA accessibility, roadway structural improvements and road alignment. Mr. Thomas also has experience in private/public water distribution, and stormwater - wastewater conveyance. Such projects include, but are not limited to, replacement of water distribution lines, construction of reservoirs, addition/decommissioning of pump stations, horizontal boring and replacement of gravity or force main sanitary sewer systems.

EDUCATION: BS, 2019, Civil Engineering, Oregon State University

Email: jst@curran-mcleod.com

Cell: (541) 306-1158